
Saturday, July 4, 2015

What You Should Never Do in Office

Posted by Unknown
We need to remember that all the time and act, talk and behave diplomatically while working in a corporate environment.

We spend most of our waking hours on the job, so it's natural that we'll catch each other engaging in some unfortunate habits. The problem with bad habits is, sometimes, people don't know how much they are grossing out their colleagues. 

Everyone has slip-ups at work, but there are some things you should just never do at the office. These may not be firing offenses, but it’s important to have common courtesy. Here are the 10 things...

1. Discussing/Gossiping

Discussing/Gossiping negatively about the company (or) your job (or) about other employees with you colleagues and employees. (remember: they are not your college friends to take the discussion casually, it might reverse fire on worst case: you may even lose your job)

2. Browsing

Browsing jobs /searching job sites/job hunting using you office computer..this is the worst thing to do.. as all your mails are tracked by the IT department and you will be under observation by colleagues around you, when you attend job calls over your mobile its not a good idea at all..avoid hundred percent.

3. Using an Android Phone Based Social Networking During Office Hours?

You have got the best android phone..good for you, but you start using whats app, Facebook and other social networking may be in trouble avoid it during office hours.

4. Dressing outlandishly?

A a big NO... you are not walking for a ramp show..nobody is a fashion designer here..(except if you are working for a fashion may be accepted)..Dress up in normal formal wear and nothing too catchy or shiny..if you don't have the right for them..but dress reasonably for your job & maintain personal hygiene too..(very important)

5. Do Not Speak Ill About Your Superior/Boss with Other Colleagues

The information may soon reach his/her ears and you will be in trouble again..stay calm and understand the office will know how to survive in the later stages.

6. Attending Too Personal Calls

Don't speak for too long over you mobile phone (personal calls), believe me this is not a good thing to do at office..!!

7. Adherence to Shift Schedule

Don't come late (regularly) to office..try to be 5-10 minutes earlier and leave 10 minutes late after office hours..don't be a clock watcher..otherwise people will think that you are not interested at work.

8. Not Using Email Communications Properly

Don't use the reply all button while answering will be a me, check mails carefully before replying.

9. Too Casual Approach

Don't greet your colleagues like your friends..some of them may not like it..if required, ask them how to be called at, its good that way.

10. Keeping Your Space A Mess

Keep your desk neat. Just because you may be able to work on a messy desk doesn’t mean your neighbor will. In fact, it may drive them crazy. What you see as cluttered chaos may be squalor to them. While you may think it’s your space and you get to decide how you take care of it, remember that work is increasingly more collaborative, and more and more offices are adopting an open plan. What is in your direct line of vision isn’t far from theirs, either — and it will start reflecting badly on your work ethic. So keep the papers, Post-its and books to a minimum. And throw the chips out.

These are some points that i have shared, i am sure there may be some more to add to this are welcome to add them in comments..Thank you for reading my article..hope it was informative.

Lots more to come..!!


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